James Wellbeloved Adult Small Breed Chicken and Rice 1.5 Kg Bag 6Jun


Reduced from £12.50 to £10.49.
About this item Hypoallergenic dog food for pets with sensitivities, selected natural ingredients, no added artificial flavours, colours, or antioxidants Dry dog food with a single source animal protein recipe excludes common allergens beef, pork, soya, eggs, dairy and wheat natural prebiotics for mature dogs’ healthy digestion Adult dog food with vitamin E and minerals to support the immune system omega 6 fatty acids and zinc to promote healthy skin and coat CHICKEN DOG FOOD – A delicious source of protein brown and white rice a highly digestible carbohydrate, gentle on the stomach with linseed a great source of omega 3.

📅 Jun 6, 2023

Amazon UK’s regular price (without coupon or flash sale): $15.53
= discount 16% off the original price

£10.49    ca 12.19€  AU$19.53

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