Wild Antler – Venison Raw Dog Food 22Mar


Reduced from £19.99 to £16.99.
Benefits Dog Health – Our wheat, sugar, gluten & grain FREE raw dog food provides nutritional benefits for your dog, including healthier coat and skin, better digestion, and easier weight control. Simply defrost night before in the fridge, remove the lid and serve the amount dog requires. Then relax in the knowledge your dog is getting the absolute best possible natural nourishment every single day. At Wild Antler, we use ONLY human grade, British Farm, DEFRA approved meat with soft ground bone. These are complemented by vegetables, superfoods and oils for extra vitamins and nutrients. In collaboration with vets, we created our Complete Venison enriched with Antler powder recipe. Balanced ‘BARF’ Raw Food – Our 80:10:10 raw dog food recipies are designed for experienced raw feeders, dogs on elimination diets or requiring a single protein source. DEFRA & Vet approved frozen raw dog food, suitable for dogs aged 24 weeks+.

📅 Mar 22, 2023

Amazon UK’s regular price (without coupon or flash sale): $24.53
= discount 15% off the original price

£16.99    ca 19.34€  AU$31.20

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