Crisis Core: FFVII Reunion (Nintendo Switch) 16Jun
Reduced from £49.99 to £22.99.
You can get this Crisis Core: FFVII Reunion (Nintendo Switch) reduced from £49.99 to £22.99. Available for Free Prime delivery. Remaster of the original CRISIS CORE –FINAL FANTASY VII-, featuring a complete HD graphics overhaul, a remastered soundtrack, a reimagined UI, and an updated combat system. The story begins seven years before the events of FINAL FANTASY VII (1997) and follows Zack Fair, a young and ambitious Shinra SOLDIER operative. Zack is tasked with tracking down a missing SOLDIER 1st Class operative named Genesis Rhapsodos. But as his adventure unfolds, he discovers the dark secrets of Shinra’s experiments and the monsters they create. The game features a number of characters from the FINAL FANTASY VII franchise such as Cloud, Sephiroth, Aerith and others.
📅 Jun 16, 2023
Amazon UK’s regular price (without coupon or flash sale): $63.92
= discount 54% off the original price
£22.99 ca 26.87€ AU$42.68
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