Healing Crystals for Beginners, Relaxation and Stress – Only £13.49! 16Nov


Reduced from £40.99 to £13.49.
You can get this great deal. Price Drop + Apply 10% Voucher. This will reduce it from £40.99 to about £13.49. FIND YOUR CALM SO YOU FEEL IN CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE: Our 11 piece bespoke crystal set has helped THOUSANDS of customers CALM their minds, REDUCE anxiety and increase MINDFULNESS in their lives. This exclusive calm crystal set includes specially chosen Calming Crystals: 1 rough stone (Lapis Lazuli), 8 tumbled stones (Tiger Eye, Amazonite, Lepidolite, Green Aventurine, Howlite, Amethyst, Black Obsidian, Lapis Lazuli) and 2 cleansing tools (Selenite Tower and White Sage Smudge Sticks). BEGIN YOUR CRYSTAL JOURNEY TODAY WITH OUR ALL-IN-ONE STARTER CRYSTALS FOR BEGINNERS: Our crystal starter kit comes with REAL Calming earth-crafted crystals, a POSTER listing each gemstones’ healing properties, and CLEANSING/ACTIVATION instructions. Arrives in a beautiful constellation theme gift box! Photos are accurate representation of quality, Crystals vary in shape and size from 1″-2″. BECOME THE CLEAREST, SHINIEST, MOST INSPIRED AND GROUNDED VERSION OF YOURSELF: Using these NATURAL, drug-free, calming self-HEALING tools will give you presence and strong intuition. Simply CHARGE the stone in the sun or water and then bring your greatest INTENTION. You will feel CLARITY and CALMNESS come to your life after using these crystals consistently. Use as a meditation tool, sage sticks for grounding, chakra crystals, energy healing, Reiki or spirituality.

📅 Nov 16, 2022

Amazon UK’s regular price (without coupon or flash sale): $48.71
= discount 67% off the original price

£13.49    ca 15.40€  AU$23.69

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