Advanced Nutrients B-52 Fertilizer Booster, 500ml 14Aug


Reduced from £30.00 to £22.12.
Better survival rate for seedlings, transplants and clones Plants more resistant to stress and disease Increased growth and yield Stronger roots for more nutrient uptake Description B-52 is especially formulated to give plants a super boost of energy by raising the plants metabolism. B-52 increases nutrient uptake by providing naturally occurring hormones and vitamins that plants could never get elsewhere. B-52 is ideal for hydroponic, soil and sphagnum moss or any other growing medium. In reservoirs or as a foliar spray or as a stand alone supplemental feeding, B-52 can and should be used during your plants ENTIRE lifetime from seed or cutting to harvest. Humans need B vitamins and so do agricultural crops. That’s why we’ve giving you a massive dose of B vitamins in our B-52 specialty formula. This product can be used from start to finish for all crops and can be applied as a foliar spray and as a root zone feed. It contains special organic compounds that facilitate uptake of vitamins, minerals and other ingredients while raising cellular-level metabolism. B-52 results in explosive growth, early maturing and strong finishing for all kinds of crops in all kinds of grow situations, but especially for flowers, fruits and veggies. By raising cellular metabolism, you increase growth rates, immune system function and productivity.

📅 Aug 14, 2022
Amazon UK’s regular price (without coupon or flash sale): $36.43
= discount 26% off the original price
£22.12    ca 26.17€  AU$37.69

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