BUOKAV Artificial Sunflower Bouquets 31Dec


Reduced from £6.99 to £3.99.
You can get this Artificial Sunflower Bouquets reduced from £6.99 to £3.99. ? Perfect Decoration? Every bunch of sunflower bouquet contains 7 Claws 7 flowers. erfect match and design makes the bouquets beautiful and not monotonous, overall richer and has a sense of design. ?Easy Maintain?Artificial flowers are never withering made of healthy and environmental materials.It’s not easy to fade or fall. All flowers are look beautiful and vivid. for long-term home decor without season limit, maintaince-free. ?Daily Care]?The sunflower bouquet will be squeezed during transportation. After receiving it, you can adjust the stem by hand and blow the sunflower head with a hair dryer to restore the original shape.

📅 Dec 31, 2022

Amazon UK’s regular price (without coupon or flash sale): $8.46
= discount 43% off the original price

£3.99    ca 4.50€  AU$7.10

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