Vin Bouquet FIC 118 Bamboo Rack of 6 Bottles 10Feb


Reduced from £20.83 to £8.74.
You can get this Vin Bouquet FIC 118 Bamboo rack of 6 bottles reduced from £20.83 to £8.74. Bottle rack with capacity for 6 bottles, modular and expandable. Display your favorite wines in an elegant design that will suit any style. Robust and durable product. If you want to store the wine for some time, it is best to keep it flat so that the cork can touch the wine and thus keep it moist. If the bottle is placed upright, the cork cap will contract due to dryness, which will cause air to enter and destroy the quality of the wine. .

📅 Feb 10, 2023

Amazon UK’s regular price (without coupon or flash sale): $25.25
= discount 58% off the original price

£8.74    ca 9.86€  AU$15.25

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